Monday, June 9, 2014

Abandonment Issues vol. 001

When I first started taking photos I would just take snapshots of my friends as we hangout. Later I began documenting graffiti, which led to abandoned buildings and other aspects of urban decay since graffiti and neglect usually share the same neighborhoods. Once I started exploring and documenting the abandoned buildings I started to really pay attention to how I framed my shots and instead of simply snapping a picture I started trying to create photos. Exploring these forgotten places is what really got me started in photography. Trying to capture all of the details that held the feelings and emotions that you experience as you walk through these once vibrant places is what drove me to become a better photographer. 

These days I don't shoot abandoned buildings as much as I used to. I still love to explore them but my photographic interests have moved on a little. That's not to say that you won't see loads of abandonment and urban exploration on my blog, because you will. When I say I don't shoot it as much as I used to I mean I only go out once a week instead of four or five times.

I apologize for the gratuitous HDR here. Normally I wouldn't shoot like that because even though there are quite a few amazing photographers out there that are creating breath taking photos through HDR, there are far too many others that are misusing it and making some pretty hideous images. Sometimes though, in order to capture something in difficult and uneven lighting (abandoned buildings can have the best, and the worst light), you have to use whatever techniques are available. 

Photos taken with a Canon Mark III, with a Canon 35mm f/1.4 and Canon 20mm f/2.8

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